When a Pluviophile meets Motherhood


Photo credits to http://www.reddit.com


“It’s raining! Don’t go outside, you might get sick!”


Probably you’ve heard of this at least once in your life, especially, when you were just a kid. I remember one time when I was so eager to play outside, but my mother told me just to stay indoors since it’s raining. During that time, my only way to kill the boredom is to watch cartoons — full of replay episodes that is!


They kept on prodding whenever I asked them if I could play in the rain, but sometimes when I am on my sneaky self, I just go out and do what I wanted to do; then the next day, I’ve been whining about having clogged nose or fever.


Now that I am a mother, I told myself that I won’t bar my daughter if she wanted to experience dancing in the rain, probably, or should I say most likely, I’ll join her while she’s enjoying soaking herself in the rain. I wouldn’t be a hindrance to her little joys, just to be sure that it won’t be deadly then by all means she’s allowed to do what she please.


It’s not that I’m becoming a very lenient mother, but I just want her to experience it first hand on why her mother loves rain. She may appreciate it or not, at least she somehow had a chance to know what’s with the rain. Being a Pluviophile, I enjoy almost everything about rain, sans lightning and thunder. I really don’t know why I love it, I just do. Whenever I travel, especially the long ones, I always wish that it rains; then I’m going to plug my earphones, and start reminiscing or meditating. For some, it might be a bad day when it rain, but for me, it soothes my soul and drive my mood; and most of the time, give answers to my questions.